Died : 17/8/1955
Nationality: French
First impressions: My first impressions of Leger's painting is that its really colorful and simple, there is not allot of detail in the actual drawing and it is very abstract.
Title of painting: Two women holding flowers.
- colourful
- two women posing
- line drawing over colour
- abstract
- flowers
- friends
- eye-catching
- simple
Formal Elements:
- line
- tone
- bright colours
- eye-catching colours
- abstract squares
- shadowing
- shading
Background information:
Léger, like Picasso, often painted works showing two women together. This theme of a pair of figures had precedents in classical art, and allowed the artist to explore the rhyming shapes and patterns created by the symmetrical image. Here two women are seen with their limbs intertwined, in a state of physical ease and relaxation. One holds a flower, a symbol of natural beauty and fertility. However, this is no rustic idyll. The figures are drawn as outlines upon seemingly casually arranged rectangles of bright colours which give the painting a typically modern sense of energy and dynamism.
- The mood of the painting is a mixture of things; its happy because the two women are together and they seem like freinds from the smiles on thier faces, its also relaxing because the two women are just lazing around and having fun; i also get the impression that these two women might be more then friends because they are both naked and in the painting they are very close to each other and in postition. Leger has created these moods by useing the bright and warm colours to make the painting seem more relaxed and freindly.
- i do like this painting because its a bit of a mystery to me; i dont know whether the painting is about two lovers or just two women who happen to be naked together.
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