
Saturday, 15 October 2011

Gallery & Muesum Visits - Tate Britain

Tate Britain

I went to the Tate Britain; it was very exciting and there were loads of interesting art and sculptures, even the building its self was interesting to look at because of its many stone sculptures.

When we went into the line and colour exhibition we saw benches where you could sit down and draw your own version of the original drawings, i thought it was a good idea because normally its hard to draw something in a gallery because there are too many people walking in front of it or the chair is too far from the drawing/painting so you couldn't get all the detail but here you could go right up close to the actually drawing to get all the detail. so it was a lot of fun to do.

Me looking at the colour chart of when the differnt colours were discoverd.

This is the building outside; its interesting to me because you can see all the shadows from the differnt bricks and also the windows with people looking out of them to see the rest of london; the garden was pretty too.

I found this sculpture very interesting because its made out of bronze and from every angel you look at it, it looks slighty differnt so everytime you see something new that you didnt see the first time.
the first time i looked at it i saw it from the front angel and it looked flat but then i walked around it and i saw that there was much more than what i first thought.

 This was fantastic i love it; its a chandelier made out of glass but its made to look like its made out of flowers and it has so much detail on it, it was very bright so it was hard to look at it for too long with out hurting my eyes but nonetheless very pretty.
A close up of the chanddelier.
 When inside the Tate i discovered a really weird pained wall in one of the corridors, it was very colourful and that's what drew my attention to it the rest of the buildings walls are white or covered in paintings or sculptures, so i found this bright and colourful and the artist only used squares so i think this must be from a cubism era or inspired by it at lest. i tired researching for the artist responsible for this but i could not find the name of the person who painted this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    You've chosen a great selection of art work from your visit to the tate Britain. You need to spend some time working on your written analysis on the 30th November. I'll help you to respond with the analysis writting frame.
    Keep expanding on your descriptions of the work seen using more descripted words.
    Well done!
